Task Management
Q360™ fully automates task creation, task visualization, notifications, resource assignments, check list tracking and reporting.

How Does it work?
Task creation allows you to turn your ideas into actions (tasks). Providing visualization to tasks encompasses listing tasks in chronological lists or Gantt charts.

Prioritizing tasks can be set by status, priority value, budget, time and persons responsible. Notifications provide insight into past, present and pending deadlines in the project.
Because tasks and projects are an integral part of Q360™, information is pulled in and disseminated from all areas of operations, sales and accounting. Project managers are given unprecedented visibility into how well the project is being executed from delivery time lines and a financial stand point. Accountability is given to those that have the ability to affect the outcome.
Work in Progress
Q360™ with its project management tools driving accounting, eliminates the arduous task of manually calculating work in progress and job cost percentage complete.
Q360™ automatically identifies the value of construction projects that are currently being worked on. To properly account for each project; four values need to be tracked:
- the Sales Price (excluding sales tax) for the project
- the total Cost Estimate for the project
- the Costs-To-Date
- the Billed-To-Date
By taking the Costs-To-Date divided by the Cost Estimate, the “percentage complete” for the project is automatically calculated in Q360™.
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