Quote & Proposal Generation
Creating accurate quotes and proposals can take time and effort, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

How Does it work?
Two of the biggest challenges our customers have faced were getting accurate pricing as well as costs and ensuring overall accuracy of the components and labor making up the solution being proposed. Your customer simply expects to get accurate quotes from your team; nothing less is acceptable.
So the challenge is to reduce the effort and increase the accuracy of this critical step in the sales process. With Q360™ the quoting process is an innate part of the overall system so your price lists, vendor costs and sales tax are always up to date. Varying levels of automation are available to import and update your vendor’s pricing and inventory levels (both your warehouses and vendor’s inventory levels) so when material is added to a quote you are seeing accurate margins based upon the exact same information that your accounting and operations department works with. In fact your quote in Q360™ will eventually move through workflow to become an order which will be tied into a job or service call so you have a complete and accurate view of budget verses actuals through the entire life cycle of work. Q360™ also automates the templating of complex configurations for your system offerings. Complex or engineered solutions can be centrally cataloged or kept as a customer’s specific configuration for repeated use. Existing quotes can also be copied to new customers, or sections of quotes can be copied and easily used for other customer’s quotes. The systemization of this critical and labor intensive step makes life easier not only for the sales team to produce complex quotes, but also operations and accounting when accurate orders are handed off to them for delivery. Because quotes are just the beginning of the order fulfillment workflow you will have visibility into the full processing of quotes to orders to service level agreements.
Once your accurate quotation is complete you can present it to the customer using any number of quote or proposal styles.
Backup documentation such as a requests for quote, or follow-up emails and the all-important customer purchase order can all be stored electronically against the quote for reference anytime in the process using the built-in document management. As quotes and then orders progress through your organization pertinent information follows it along through the workflow; reducing inquiries and administrative steps. One more way your organization becomes more efficient and more profitable.
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