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CFO Perspectives on Liquidity and Cash Flow for MSPs

CFOs Say Cash is King!  At NSCAā€™s 2020 Pivot to Profit Virtual (P2Pv), Solutions360 CEO, along with three leading integration firm CFOs, offered their perspectives on understanding liquidity and cash flow for MSPs. 2020 P2Pv Session Presenters: Brad Dempsey, CEO … Read More

Does Everyone Understand the Purpose of Your Processes?

What is the purpose of your processes? And does everyone understand the value? If an integrator is engaging in an activity on a daily basis, people need to know why. Everyone should understand why processes are in place. Mature companies … Read More

Organizational Change Management Drives Adoption of the New Revenue Recognition Standard

How Can Integrators Engage, Enable and Execute Change? Integrators are learning that the new Revenue Recognition standard can have company-wide impacts that affect core business functions and their associated systems and data. Because so many parts of a business are … Read More

Aligning Behavior with Values and Ethics

Basic behavior is either the willful alignment to established standards, or the willful disobedience of those standards. In last weekā€™s blog, we discussed the importance of distinguishing competence from behavior to maximize performance improvement. Today, we continue this conversation. Behavior … Read More

ClearTalk Ep 01: Ruthless Consistency with Michael Canic

When all is said and done, a lot more gets said than done. What is the antidote to this? Ruthless Consistency! Welcome to the inaugural episode of ClearTalk, the new Solutions360 Podcast. On this episode of ClearTalk, our CEO, Brad … Read More

Solutions360 Releases New Job Costing Survival Guide

Why Is Job Costing So Important in 2020? Over the last 20 years, Solutions360 has worked with hundreds of businesses to help apply technology that improves business process management and profitability. One of the most complicated issues that Solutions360 has … Read More

Solutions360 Releases New Interactive Dashboards

Interactive dashboards in Q360 allow individuals at different levels of an integration business, to influence change, and make better (more profitable) decisions. Tofiq Indawala, Director of Product Management for Solutions360, recently joined Brad Malone on the Navigator Podcast, to announce … Read More

Communicate Assumptions and Risks to Create Common Sense

Common sense is when everybody around me agrees with my perception of reality, without my having to tell them. Working on hundreds of projects and training thousands of project managers, Iā€™ve often wondered why so few people around me have … Read More

The Power of Forecasting for Your Integration Business

Welcome back to our series of discussions about metrics and how to build the principles of maturity into your integration business. We’ve talked in a number of these sessions about mature companies versus younger companies or immature companies. And what … Read More

Labor Burden Is a Crucial Concept for Running a Profitable Integration Business

If you hear the term ā€œLabor Burdenā€ and you want to glaze over a bit, donā€™t! Understanding Labor Burden, as applied to the direct hourly cost of your billable labor (Technicians, Engineers, Programmers, Project Managers, etc.), may just change your … Read More