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Measuring Customer Profitability

Are Your ‘Best’ Customers Your Most Profitable? On this episode of ClearTalk, our CEO, Brad Dempsey, is joined by Brad Malone and Joel Harris from Navigate Management Consulting to talk about customer profitability. Are your best customers sometimes your worst … Read More


How Do You Spell WBS?

What is a work breakdown structure? In today’s video, Tofiq Indawala, Director of Product Management, is joined by Brad Malone, from Navigate Management Consulting to discuss the whole concept of a work breakdown structure, and how that impacts project management. … Read More


The Importance of Professional Project Managers

Many integration companies that are beginning to mature their business management practices go through a process of determining who to select as their project managers, and how to nurture their competence and capabilities. As someone who has taught more than … Read More


Say What You Mean…And Mean What You Say

Why is it important to use a consistent vocabulary in your integration business? On this episode of ClearTalk, Brad Malone and Joel Harris join our CEO, Brad Dempsey, to talk about why integrators need to develop a consistent vocabulary. Every … Read More


Estimating Methodologies for Integrators

What are the best estimating methodologies? In Part I of this series, we looked at the myth of the perfect project estimate and discussed how assumptions and risks factor into an estimate. Today, we continue this conversation and examine the … Read More


Q360 Is the Best Workflow Tool for Integrators

What does it mean that Q360 is a business process management and workflow tool? When you look at an integration business in terms of workflows, Q360 helps to organize data so processes can be standardized across the organization. This allows … Read More


Introduction to Q360

Welcome to another episode of the Solutions360 ClearTalk Podcast. Today, our Executive Vice President, John Graham, joins us for an introduction to Q360, and to discuss how it is different from other ERP software platforms. Q360 is a full ERP … Read More


Best Practices for Cash Flow Management

Imagine having the ability to accurately forecast cashflow in your integration business! Cash flow management has never been more important to integrators than it is now. Most integrators go through a great deal of effort calculating cash flow, but it’s … Read More


What Is Backlog Burn Rate?

ClearTalk is a podcast where Solutions360 chats with industry thought leaders about best practices, strategy, and insights within the Integration industry. On this week’s episode, our CEO, Brad Dempsey welcomes Tofiq Indawala, Director of Product Management, to the podcast to … Read More

Customer Success Manager Is One of Solutions360’s Most Innovative Roles

Meet John Lyall, Customer Success Manager at Solutions360. The idea of a Customer Success Manager is a relatively new development, that is rapidly changing and evolving our customer relationships. John meets with Solutions360 customers to understand their needs and help … Read More