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Will Your Integration Business Survive Corporate Adolescence?

Without even defining corporate adolescence, you can figure out what it means. Corporate adolescence is a term Navigate likes to use to describe that awkward stage in a company’s life when they are no longer small—but not yet large.  You … Read More

Use Your Data to Circumvent Risk

A blog entry based upon The AV Profession podcast with Tim Albright and guest David McNutt of Navigate Management Consulting. This podcast is part of a series from The AV Profession about risk management and risk assessment. Today is a … Read More

Don’t Buy Software without Clear Business Objectives

  Integrators often say that they want to replace their current software When I ask why, they normally respond with a list of short comings with their current technology. It is also not uncommon to receive a request for proposal, … Read More

What Should A Lessons Learned Process Focus On?

When working on an integration project, how often do we hear the words, “Didn’t this happen last time?” Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. You could say … Read More

Video Demo 4 – Q360 Simplifies Project Change Orders

There’s no such thing as an AV project with a change order, right? In this edition of Clear Talk, we continue with the topic of project management. A big part of project management is focusing on the equipment, material, and … Read More

A Fresh Look at Your Accounting

Why you may (or may not) need to hire a new CFO / Accountant A blog entry based upon The AV Profession podcast with Tim Albright and guest David McNutt from Navigate Management Consulting When we go into an organization to conduct an … Read More

Mike Abernathy of NSCA Talks About Solutions360 Business Accelerator Partner

In this week’s video, we speak with Mike Abernathy of the National Systems Contractors Association about the Business Accelerators program. “The NSCA is a community of systems integrators and systems contractors,” says Abernathy. “Our role and our job is to … Read More

NSCA Labor Installation Standards Integrated with Solutions360 Software

A common complaint from integrators is a lack of information to help with job costing. Nobody seems to have enough data in a format that is easily accessible, in order to make well-informed decisions along the course of a project. … Read More

What Your Sales Forecast Isn’t Telling You

In a lot of organizations, your sales forecast is only giving you a partial representation of the truth  The first challenge is to establish objective criteria against the data Sales people are generally very optimistic and hopeful, and as great … Read More

Solutions360 Software Helps Integrators On-Boarding Acquisitions

After an acquisition is made, the hard work begins.   It’s no secret that mergers and acquisitions are rampant in the AV industry, and the pace of consolidation shows no signs of slowing down. As a result of acquisition, many … Read More