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Improve Financial Management

Best Practices for Managing Change Orders

Managing change orders is important, starting day one of every project. Imagine you have accounting records, and you know how much money you started with at the beginning of a project, and you know how much money you ended up … Read More

Solutions360 Releases New Interactive Dashboards

Interactive dashboards in Q360 allow individuals at different levels of an integration business, to influence change, and make better (more profitable) decisions. Tofiq Indawala, Director of Product Management for Solutions360, recently joined Brad Malone on the Navigator Podcast, to announce … Read More

How to Calculate and Recover Your Labor Burden

Welcome back to The Brads Show, and our series of discussions about how to build the principles of maturity into your integration business. In today’s video, Brad Dempsey and Brad Malone discuss the importance of accurately measuring labor burden, and … Read More

Buying vs Leasing, Which is Better?

The most important distinction between buying vs leasing is how the finance charges are paid. If you have ever bought a house or a car, or started a business, you likely have experience with loans. A question you or your … Read More

The Power of Forecasting for Your Integration Business

Welcome back to our series of discussions about metrics and how to build the principles of maturity into your integration business. We’ve talked in a number of these sessions about mature companies versus younger companies or immature companies. And what … Read More

Don’t Hesitate to Share Project Financials with Employees

Why do integrators hesitate to share project financials with employees? At Solutions360, we are always talking about metrics, and how integrators can leverage financial data to increase profitability. But we have found there is a real hesitancy around sharing project … Read More

Project-Based Financial Concepts for Integrators

Recently, our CEO, Brad Dempsey, joined Brad Malone on the Navigator podcast. This episode is part of Navigate Academy Module 4 Project-Based Financial Concepts In terms of maturity, Solutions360 sees a wide range of integration companies. “We see the complete … Read More

4 Tips for Implementing HaaS and Financing in Your Integration Business

It is time for integrators to embrace change. Being in the tech industry, you are already well aware of the need to keep up with the pace of change. One way technology providers are helping their customers keep up with … Read More

Video Demo: Q360 Cash Flow Forecasting Dashboard

We are excited to release the newly updated cash flow forecasting dashboard in Q360 Why is cash flow forecasting important? The object of cash flow forecasting is to compare how much cash you receive each month to how much cash … Read More

10 Critical Reports in Q360 to Help You Make Informed Business Decisions

Author: Tofiq Indawala, PMP As businesses face this unprecedented time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, having access to critical business data has become even more vital. Businesses need critical data faster and more reliably then ever before to help make … Read More