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Industry Discussion

6 Reasons Change Management Initiatives Fail

As we move toward a post-pandemic world, organizations must navigate great change. Consider these barriers to change management initiatives – and how to beat them. Since the advent of the pandemic, ongoing change has touched all aspects of our lives, … Read More


How to Keep a Project on Course

If all projects are different, what is the best way for integrators to keep a project on course? All integration projects are unique, and there’s no two alike, right? Yes, all projects contain uniqueness and uncertainty. But there is also … Read More

3 Ways to Improve Company Culture

As organizations start to look toward a return to the workplace, consider how to improve company culture with these tips.  Working remotely comes with benefits: no commute, more flexible schedules, and lower overheads, to name just a few. But as … Read More


Introducing Q360’s OneDashboard to Rule Them All

OneDashboard to Rule Them All In today’s video, John Graham, Executive Vice President of Solutions360, is joined by Joel Harris from Navigate Management Consulting, to discuss a big topic. We’re talking about OneDashboard. Integrators have vast amounts of information available … Read More


Presenting the Estimate

A single precise number does not make a valid estimate   In Part 1 of this blog series, we looked at the myth of the perfect estimate and discussed how assumptions and risks factor into an estimate. In Part 2, … Read More


The Importance of Professional Project Managers

Many integration companies that are beginning to mature their business management practices go through a process of determining who to select as their project managers, and how to nurture their competence and capabilities. As someone who has taught more than … Read More


Say What You Mean…And Mean What You Say

Why is it important to use a consistent vocabulary in your integration business? On this episode of ClearTalk, Brad Malone and Joel Harris join our CEO, Brad Dempsey, to talk about why integrators need to develop a consistent vocabulary. Every … Read More


Best Practices for Preparing for Your Busy Season as an Integrator

From all the conversations we’ve had with integration owners, the one challenge we hear about a lot is “busy season.” There are no hard-and-fast rules in the systems integration industry – mainly because no two businesses are exactly the same. … Read More


The Myth of the Perfect Project Estimate

Is it better for a project estimate to be precise or accurate? It’s my experience, over hundreds of AV integration projects and hundreds more in numerous industries, that most people believe a precise estimate is more accurate — and that … Read More


Are You Living Your Values and Ethics?

Culture can be difficult to define, but it embodies who we are as a company. Welcome to another episode of Clear Talk. Today, our CEO, Brad Dempsey, is joined by Brad Malone from Navigate Management Consulting, to discuss how culture is … Read More