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Increase Project Profitability

What Happens When the Project Estimate Doesn’t Match Reality?

There is widespread belief in the integration industry, that the most important measure for a project manager is to be ‘on time and on budget,’ and that a good project manager will make it so. But this assumes that the … Read More

The Time Billing Paradox

What is the best way to get your team to buy in to the importance of time tracking? On this episode of the Navigator, Brad Dempsey and Brad Malone talk through the time billing paradox, and the struggle people have … Read More

Best Practices for Building Recurring Revenue

In order to build recurring revenue, integrators are making the shift from a reactive to a proactive support model. There has been a lot of discussion in the integrator community about best practices for developing services and support revenue, and … Read More

3 Ways Integrators Can Build Quality into Projects

Navigate has worked with hundreds of AV and Systems Integration companies, and one thing that continues to amaze us is the difference in process maturity between companies – and the results. There are several areas where you can distinguish mature … Read More

Best Practices for Managing Change Orders

Managing change orders is important, starting day one of every project. Imagine you have accounting records, and you know how much money you started with at the beginning of a project, and you know how much money you ended up … Read More

Solutions360 Releases New Job Costing Survival Guide

Why Is Job Costing So Important in 2020? Over the last 20 years, Solutions360 has worked with hundreds of businesses to help apply technology that improves business process management and profitability. One of the most complicated issues that Solutions360 has … Read More

How to Calculate and Recover Your Labor Burden

Welcome back to The Brads Show, and our series of discussions about how to build the principles of maturity into your integration business. In today’s video, Brad Dempsey and Brad Malone discuss the importance of accurately measuring labor burden, and … Read More

Don’t Hesitate to Share Project Financials with Employees

Why do integrators hesitate to share project financials with employees? At Solutions360, we are always talking about metrics, and how integrators can leverage financial data to increase profitability. But we have found there is a real hesitancy around sharing project … Read More

Project-Based Financial Concepts for Integrators

Recently, our CEO, Brad Dempsey, joined Brad Malone on the Navigator podcast. This episode is part of Navigate Academy Module 4 Project-Based Financial Concepts In terms of maturity, Solutions360 sees a wide range of integration companies. “We see the complete … Read More

Close the Profitability Loop in Your Job Costing Process

Job costing is one of the most complicated issues that Solutions360 has seen in the integration industry. Solutions360 has worked with more than 200 integrators, and fewer than 10 percent were satisfied with their job costing process, prior to implementing … Read More