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Improve Profitability

Can resource allocation improvements help you bid a job profitably?

Would you send an Engineer to do an Installerā€™s job?  Starting a bid with unrealistic resource allocation assumptions will negatively impact project profitability before the job even begins.  It’s just one of the things to consider when bidding a project. … Read More

Dirty Data is Costing Your Business More Money than You Think

3 Steps to Get from Bad Data to Good Data – You can’t make good business decisions with dirty data. When you’re planning your resource allocation or you’re auditing your project accounting, if you don’t have one centralized business management software, there may be bad or missing data. That’s costing you precious money and time that can be better served helping your customers. … Read More

5 Things to Consider when Bidding a Project

The Art & Science of a Good Project Job Costing Process – Not all projects are created equal. It would be nice if there was an exact science to bidding a project but sadly many factors come into play that could malign your latest bid. You need art and science, a job costing system in place, to make it work. … Read More

Job Costing Survival Guide Introduced by Business Process Management Leader, Solutions360,

New Job Costing Survival Guide Illuminates Best Practices and Helps Businesses Assess their Current Job Costing Process to Ultimately Improve Project Profit Margins   Newmarket, Ontario ā€“ December 2012 ā€“ Solutions360, a leader in business process management and PSA software … Read More

Have you ever considered the cost of paper to your business?

The amount of paper used by businesses today is staggering. While the movement towards a paperless office has picked up over the past decade, there are still many ways you can reduce paper consumption. The reality is: often paperlessĀ is truly … Read More

Integrated Systems Next Step; Single System

For years, industry and analysts have been touting the benefits of integrated systems that would improve the decision-making process by taking information from disparate functions and processes and organizing it efficiently. Strides continue to be made in driving efficiencies throughout … Read More

The Importance of Project Accounting in Professional Services Organizations

Project Accounting, sometimes referred to as job cost accounting, is the practice of creating financials specifically to track the financial progress of projects.Ā  Project Accounting enables the professional services organization to monitor the progress of their projects from a financial … Read More

How to Use Software to Help Weather the Economic Downturn

Focus on ā€œFaster and Betterā€. Every asset, machine, tool and person you have must be accountable and cycle more quickly. Your business cannot survive unless you know where your resources are and how they can be used efficiently. Imagine being … Read More

Job Costing Software is Key to Construction Profits

Even in the best of economies more contractors go belly up than not. Knowing this, many builders reason that the best solution for dealing with risk is to keep their business modest. And yet, many fail. Nonetheless, for every failure, … Read More

Gaining an Edge: Donā€™t Tolerate Slow Financial Processes

++Referenced from Big Fat Finance Blog++ Mary Driscoll December 20th, 2010 The never-ending pursuit of cost reduction in financial management operations is all well and good ā€” but do not overlook the negative impacts of slow process cycle times. APQC … Read More