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Customer Success Stories

VTI Security Talks About How Q360 Increased Efficiencies in Accounting Processes

VTI Security has been using Q360 for just over one year. Prior to that, the company had been using Dynamics Great Plains for roughly 20 years. Chris Kambeitz is the Accounting Manager at VTI Security. She recently spoke with us … Read More

VTI Security Controller Talks about the Ease of Year End with Q360

VTI Security has been using Q360 for just over one year. Prior to that, the company had been using Dynamics Great Plains for roughly 20 years. According to LInda Larish, Controller at VTI Security, with Great Plains, the month-end process … Read More

Why SVT Sees 15 Percent Year-Over-Year Growth

Josh Shanahan says growth at SVT is due to, “Symmetry across operations in communications, planning and objectives.” As president of NSCA, one of Josh Shanahan’s primary focuses is on helping other integration firms improve processes and profitability. It’s not surprise, … Read More

Solutions360 Increases Visibility at South Central AV

Chip Sprague from South Central AV stopped by our booth at InfoComm, and sat down with Brad Dempsey to tell us how Q360 has changed his business. South Central AV has been using the Q360 software platform for just over … Read More

How Infinity Sound Generated More Sales through Existing Channels

Over the next few months, we’ll take an inside look at how the NSCA 2018 Excellence in Business award winners have adapted to our constantly changing industry. The story of Infinity Sound is first on the list. For its innovative ways of … Read More

Spinitar Embraces RMR for Predictable Revenue

  Adding recurring streams of revenue to your technology integration business will help to develop predictable revenue that can make your company more sustainable in the long run. We often hear from integrators that they are too busy working in … Read More

How Spinitar Increased Margins by Focusing on Billable Hours

Before Solutions360, Spinitar lacked visibility into labor utilization rates, or the percentage of billable hours that employees worked. From an operational efficiency perspective, the company wanted to improve the way it managed its labor pool. Today, with the Solutions360 software … Read More

5 Best Practices from AVI Systems for a Successful ERP Implementation

  Preparation and organization were keys to AVI’s successful Q360 implementation       Anyone who has ever experienced an ERP implementation, will tell you there is nothing ‘easy’ about it. But according to Kendra Apelt, Process Management Architect at … Read More

Q360 Helps Spinitar Develop Metrics to Create Accountability

Spinitar is an audio visual and communications company with over 100 staff and branch offices around the southwestern U.S. We spoke with Jay Rogina, CEO at Spinitar. Below are some excerpts from our interview – S360: You have been a … Read More

Wayne Automatic Increases Revenues and Profitability with Q360

In the 20 years that Solutions360 has been working with low voltage contractors, almost all of them express the same goal to achieve predictable, steady, profitable growth. So, if this is the universal goal for low voltage contractors then why … Read More