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Learn How to Use New Tech Tools to Solve Problems More Effectively at NSCA BLC 2020

At NSCA BLC 2020, Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg will talk about using innovation to bring new ideas to life & how to use modern tech to make better decisions.   by D. Craig MacCormack Artificial intelligence, 5G, virtual reality and machine learning … Read More

A Lesson from Hank Aaron about Process

  Hank Aaron followed a process during every at-bat This is a guest blog post, by Chris Peterson, Principal at Vector Firm Hank Aaron was one of the greatest baseball players of all time.  He holds the all-time record for … Read More

How Does Solutions360 Become Your Most Trusted Business Partner?

One of the most valuable things Solutions360 brings to the table is our deep understanding of integration businesses. Not only do we understand our customers’ businesses, we have over a decade of experience designing and implementing best practices, and the … Read More

Close the Profitability Loop in Your Job Costing Process

Job costing is one of the most complicated issues that Solutions360 has seen in the integration industry. Solutions360 has worked with more than 200 integrators, and fewer than 10 percent were satisfied with their job costing process, prior to implementing … Read More

Revenue Recognition Lessons Private Companies Can Learn from Public Companies

The clock is ticking for private companies as they face implementation of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) revenue recognition standard. In this Q&A with FEI Daily, KPMG’s Meredith Canady and Kevin Bogle discuss the stages of implementation, hurdles to implementing … Read More

Dashboards in Q360 Turn Data into Information

What differentiates integrators that use dashboards in Q360 from those that don’t? Today, Tofiq Indawala, Director of Product Management, is joined by Brad Malone from Navigate Management Consulting to talk about dashboards in Q360. How do Solutions360 customers use dashboards? … Read More

A Focus on Quality Will Impact Success in Your Integration Business

There are four ways to measure work in your integration business Quantity First are measures of output, starting with Quantity: how much work was produced.  You can usually identify and report the number of units, pounds, or other output measures, … Read More

Who Owns the Estimating Process – Sales or Operations?

Who should be responsible for the estimating process? One of the issues that Solutions360 often addresses with customers is the estimating process. Today, our own Tofiq Indawala, is joined by Steve Riley, of Navigate Management Consulting, to discuss who should … Read More

Creating Culture for an Increasingly Remote Workforce

Many organizations, Solutions360 included, are moving to more of a remote workforce. Today, our CEO, Brad Dempsey, speaks with Brad Malone, Partner with Navigate Management Consulting, about some of the challenges that Solutions360 has faced while embracing remote working, and … Read More

Yes, Your Customers Want AV-as-a-Service!

We have been talking a lot lately about the benefits of embracing the AV-as-a-Service business model. But, this is not a new concept, it is just fairly new to the AV space. “Customers are already consuming other technology that way, … Read More