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5 Tips for Retaining Top Technicians

Solutions360 often talks with integrators about the challenges of finding and retaining top technicians. In 2019, CompTIA research reported the unemployment rate for IT talent at 1.3%, which supports what a time-consuming and expensive task it can be to find … Read More

Better Processes Equals Better Projects

When was the last time your integration business focused on process improvement? Process management is an exercise in efficiency ā€“ it is all about doing the correct things while minimizing waste. There are a lot of programs out there that address … Read More

Don’t Be a Cash-Blind Owner Part 3: Cash Burn Rate

This is the final installment in our blog series about cash flow management, and cash-blind owners. What are cash-blind owners, you wonder? Simply put, they are integration firm owners who are completely oblivious to the monthly cash flow activity of … Read More

Change Management Best Practices for Integrators

Communication is the key to successful change management Managing change is one of the big issues Solutions360 addresses with integrators, because change is not easy. And this topic has become even more important during these unprecedented times. Today, our CEO, … Read More

Don’t Be a Cash-Blind Owner Part 2 – Sources & Uses of Cash

What makes a financially successful integration business? One with high profits? One with a solid financial plan? Many owners believe that, if profits are solid, then the company is solid. As we revealed inĀ Part 1 of our blog series, Donā€™t … Read More

A Message from Solutions360 about COVID-19

I hope this message finds you, your loved ones and your employees well. This past week has presented many challenges to our businesses and families as we all look to adapt our lifestyles to the realities we face today. The … Read More

Don’t Be a Cash-Blind Owner Part 1: Days Sales Outstanding

During my decades-long career as a CFO, Iā€™ve had the great pleasure of knowing and interacting with many superbly talented entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, some of these remarkable individuals are also what I call ā€œcash-blind owners.ā€ This ā€œdisorderā€ describes otherwise-savvy business owners … Read More

Recurring Revenue by the Numbers

There are numerous reasons for integrators to adopt a recurring revenue model. A recent Commercial Integrator article, The Opportunities and Challenges of Selling Your Integration Business, discusses how private equity firms are making serious inroads into the AV integration marketā€”but … Read More

Why Are Standards Important, and How Do We Get Our People to Follow Them?

When we follow standards, it allows us to establish, measure and assure a certain level of quality, and predictability, to our clients and to one another. These days, many people have a hard time understanding why some people donā€™t seem … Read More

Create Predictable Cash Flow with Monthly Recurring Revenue

How important is cash flow to your integration business? A blog post based upon The AV Profession podcast from AV Nation. Most integrators agree that having a backbone of solid cash flow is the lifeblood of an integration business. There … Read More