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3 Hapbits of Continuous Learners

3 Habits of Continuous Learners

Continuous learning is essential to career advancement, especially in the integration industry. Consider these tips to develop lifelong learning habits. Increasingly, knowledge is the new currency in the integration industry. Given the rapid pace of change, knowledge management has become … Read More

Does Your 2022 Budget Hold Water?

Does Your 2023 Budget Hold Water?

As many integration firm owners finalize their 2023 budgets, they have to ask themselves: “Does this budget hold water?” “Will these assumptions and projections float … or will they sink like a stone?” To solve this buoyancy issue, integrators should … Read More

Press Release

Solutions360 Announces Acquisition of Navigate Management Consulting

Solutions360 Announces Acquisition of Navigate Management Consulting, a Leading Consulting Organization to Technology Systems Integrators Acquisition Advances Solutions360’s Commitment to be their Customers’ Most Valued Business Partner Newmarket, On. – October 1, 2021 – Solutions360 announced today that it has … Read More

4 keys to Transformational Leadership

4 Keys to Transformational Leadership

Are you a transformational leader – or headed there? Consider these four principles to inspire and motivate your team. Of all the leadership theories that have been posited over the years, few have the enduring simplicity of transformational leadership. Originally conceived … Read More


How to Keep a Project on Course

If all projects are different, what is the best way for integrators to keep a project on course? All integration projects are unique, and there’s no two alike, right? Yes, all projects contain uniqueness and uncertainty. But there is also … Read More


How Do You Manage a Remote Workforce?

One consequence of the COVID pandemic is that managers have had to deal with a new, and to many, a daunting challenge: learning how to manage a remote workforce. What are they doing? Are they really working or have they … Read More


Are You Living Your Values and Ethics?

Culture can be difficult to define, but it embodies who we are as a company. Welcome to another episode of Clear Talk. Today, our CEO, Brad Dempsey, is joined by Brad Malone from Navigate Management Consulting, to discuss how culture is … Read More

Should Integrators Reward Value or Effort?

I find that people are often rewarded by how busy they are, rather than how productive they are. I was recently working with a company and the president said, “I want people who put in lots of effort.” I asked … Read More

3 Security Trends to Watch in 2021

Security is an everlasting concern for enterprise IT. Here’s what experts say are some of the top security trends to watch in 2021 – as “normal” gets redefined. Here’s one prediction that you can bet on: Forecasting enterprise security trends … Read More

What Happens When the Project Estimate Doesn’t Match Reality?

There is widespread belief in the integration industry, that the most important measure for a project manager is to be ‘on time and on budget,’ and that a good project manager will make it so. But this assumes that the … Read More