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Lessons from the Wright Brothers

Lessons from the Wright Brothers

3 Character Traits to Overcome Obstacles in Your Integration Business What started out as a dream to fly led to one of today’s most common forms of travel: the airplane. While overcoming business obstacles can often feel like defying gravity, … Read More

transformational leaders should Learn how to listen like an elephant

Would You Rather Be an Elephant Or an Alligator?

One of the keys to transformational leadership is to learn how to listen like an elephant. Once, in Japan, I was out with a customer who asked me an innocent question (after a few beers): “Would you rather be an elephant or … Read More

8 ways to build resilience in your processes

8 Ways to Build Resilience into Processes

One way to ease the impact of uncertainty and volatility is for integrators to build resilience into their processes. While developing personal and team adaptability, integrators should also examine how their processes either build or drain resilience. Consider this advice. … Read More

What is a workflow process

What Is A Workflow Process?

What is a workflow process? By Anne Fray, Sr. Accounting Analyst at Solutions360 Workflow is defined as the organization of work as it moves through a department, across departments or across an entire organization. Here’s an example of a workflow … Read More

8 Powerful Phrases of High-EQ Leaders

8 Powerful Phrases for High-EQ Leaders

Practice emotional intelligence by incorporating these simple, powerful phrases into your leadership vocabulary. Emotional intelligence is a must-have soft skill for leaders, and it’s not hard to spot the ones who possess it. People are drawn to high-EQ leaders. It’s apparent in … Read More

Common Security Challenges with a Remote Workforce

4 Common Security Challenges with a Remote Workforce

Some security challenges never change, and this remains true with the shift to a remote workforce. Human fallibility is always in play, even the most secure systems come with inherent risks, and bad actors will eternally seek out any and every … Read More

Coach your Next Generation Leaders

9 Powerful Ways to Coach Your Next Generation Leaders

Your organization’s next generation leaders face huge expectations from business stakeholders right now. Are you coaching them to grow, deliver – and stay?   Today’s tech leaders and managers must be fluent in an ever-growing list of technology fundamentals, plus … Read More

Evaluate your systems and processes

It’s a Good Time to Evaluate Your Systems and Processes

Integrators have become increasingly creative over the last 20 or so months, shifting to a remote work strategy, and taking on new product and service lines to meet the quickly changing needs of their customers. As a technology provider, you … Read More

Increase Employee Engagement

4 Simple Ways to Increase Employee Engagement

Engaged, motivated employees are more productive! Consider these strategies to ensure that each of your employees feel valued. With remote work continuing into the foreseeable future, it’s more important than ever for managers to connect with their teams – not … Read More

5 Leadership Tips for Managing Conflict

5 Leadership Tips for Managing Conflict

Unresolved conflict on a team can cause everything from reduced execution to retention and morale problems. With so much at stake, here’s how leaders can help their teams improve.   Conflict is an inevitable and normal part of interactions – and teams … Read More