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Solutions360 Gold Sponsor of NSCA’s Business & Leadership Conference

Mark your Calendar: February 27th – March 1st 2014 Improve Your Business IQ, Develop Your Leadership, Secure Your Future Decision-makers will discover how to make creative, influential decisions after learning the new meanings behind current trends, refining skills sets, and understanding the future of the electronic … Read More

Job Costing Critical Piece to Preserving Margins

Addressing problems quickly can help save projects that might otherwise be doomed. November 18, 2013 | by D. Craig MacCormack Commercial Integrator Magazine If you’ve been victimized by a profit-sucking job that spiraled out of control before you knew what had happened … Read More

Solutions360 to Sponsor NSCA Best Practices Conference

Solutions360 is the Supporting Sponsor of this fall’s NSCA Best Practices Conferences to be held in October and November 2013. As a technology partner of the NSCA, Solutions360 looks to support integrators by helping them to improve efficiency and introduce … Read More

Avoid ERP pitfalls that keep you from realizing ROI

It’s not uncommon for organizations go down the ERP path only to realize very little ROI, and it can usually be blamed on lack of preparation, not the software itself. Many organizations fail in their first attempt at implementing ERP … Read More

What Every Integrator Needs to Know – NSCA Web Series

Business Intelligence Presented by: Brad Dempsey, President/CEO of Solutions360 Inc. Successfully growing your business means you utilize data to steer your company in the right direction.  Understand how to develop a dashboard that measures company performance. Learn the top 5 … Read More

Does Software Have a Place in Your Strategic Planning?

I received an engaging note from a client yesterday about how they perceived the acquisition of our software and it made me curious to see how others viewed software’s place in your business. Eric the CFO at Wayne Automatic said: … Read More

When you can’t trust the numbers, what do you do?

“Our business is in growth mode” Says Kelly McCarthy, CEO of Genesis Integration, “and when we tried to get data from the CRM program, the project management system and accounting system to get a clear view of the business, I couldn’t trust the numbers.” When … Read More

Watch Your Profits Increase

How Benchmarking and Best Practices Can Improve Your Business Business as usual is not working. With the various pressures that today’s systems integrators are experiencing, companies must look beyond what they’ve done before, because doing the same thing and getting the same results no longer … Read More

Can resource allocation improvements help you bid a job profitably?

Would you send an Engineer to do an Installer’s job?  Starting a bid with unrealistic resource allocation assumptions will negatively impact project profitability before the job even begins.  It’s just one of the things to consider when bidding a project. … Read More

Dirty Data is Costing Your Business More Money than You Think

3 Steps to Get from Bad Data to Good Data – You can’t make good business decisions with dirty data. When you’re planning your resource allocation or you’re auditing your project accounting, if you don’t have one centralized business management software, there may be bad or missing data. That’s costing you precious money and time that can be better served helping your customers. … Read More