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Metrics and KPIs Should Drive the Right Behavior

First, you have to determine, the performance or the behavior you want. Only then can you determine how to measure that performance. This week, Brad Dempsey and Brad Malone, or as we like to call them, The Brad Show, discusses … Read More

Why You Should Support the NSCA Ignite Initiative

Join Solutions360 and Support the NSCA Ignite Initiative Ignite is an initiative established by the NSCA Education Foundation. The NSCA Ignite program is aimed at attracting and engaging the next generation of audiovisual technology professionals. There is a growing demand … Read More

Thank You for Visiting Solutions360 at InfoComm 19!

      It was the 10th year for Solutions360 at InfoComm 19, and another record week in Orlando!             With the championship looming, it was a tough week for our team to be away … Read More

How Can Systems Integrators Defend Labor Hours Beyond the Job Site?

On this NSCA Industry Insights, Chuck Talks Labor & Installation Standards A questions that NSCA often hears, is how do systems integrators defend labor hours beyond what time is spent on the job site? This issue is especially prevalent for … Read More

Avoid the Pitfalls of Business Process Improvement Initiatives

The business of improving your business is serious business.  How many times have you or someone on your team tinkered with a process and achieved a less than desired result?  Perhaps it wasn’t adopted, or only partially adopted by a few … Read More

Solutions360 Talks Business Transformation at InfoComm 2019

The Solutions360 team is busy getting ready for InfoComm 2019, where we will be talking to integrators about how to transform their businesses. Stop by our booth #4975 and learn how other integration companies are keeping up margins and increasing … Read More

From Service to Support

Service is the act of doing. While support is the act of doing with the interest of your customer’s success in mind. The evolution of service to support is a really hot topic with technology integrators these days. There is … Read More

Don’t Buy Software without Clear Business Objectives

  Integrators often say that they want to replace their current software When I ask why, they normally respond with a list of short comings with their current technology. It is also not uncommon to receive a request for proposal, … Read More

How Big Is Your Inventory Graveyard?

Integrators almost always end up with extra inventory on every project. Sometimes the client changes their mind, sometimes product is over-ordered, and sometimes there is just a mistake but it’s too costly to return to the vendor. Whatever the scenario, … Read More

Accountability Drives Business Transformation at VTI Security

  One of our biggest goals at VTI is to improve consistency and accountability. Before Q360, there were a lot of inconsistencies in how each department operated from office to office; this was a long-standing issue. Q360 gave us a … Read More