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Use Your Data to Circumvent Risk

A blog entry based upon The AV Profession podcast with Tim Albright and guest David McNutt of Navigate Management Consulting. This podcast is part of a series from The AV Profession about risk management and risk assessment. Today is a … Read More

Revenue vs. Growth

We’re growing, but what does that really mean? We have heard so much over the past five or ten years about the concept of growth. Everybody talks about it, but does anybody really knows what it means? What does growth … Read More

Everything You Know About Selecting Enterprise Software Is Wrong

By Joe Shepley I’ve been involved in software selection for 18 years, both as a buyer and as a consultant helping buyers find the right product for their needs. I’ve seen CIOs make snap decisions with little to no process, and … Read More

Using As-A-Service to Sell More Hardware

A blog entry based upon an article from our partners at GreatAmerica Financial Services There is no way around it. If As-A-Service wasn’t the “thing” before, 2019 is the year of As-A-Service for Managed Service Providers, UC providers and Audio … Read More

NSCA: We Are Under Attack By Proposed Legislation and You Must Act

A cluster of regulatory legislation that could negatively affect the integration business is on the docket. During its annual NSCA Member Meeting at the 2019 Business & Leadership Conference, the trade organization will ask integrators to step up. This is … Read More

NSCA Delivers These 14 Services for Integration Firm Members Every Day

From tracking cyber and safety regulations that affect their companies to addressing insurance needs and compliance issues, these 14 services are the tip of the iceberg in terms of what NSCA provides to its members every day. The tagline for … Read More

A Fresh Look at Your Accounting

Why you may (or may not) need to hire a new CFO / Accountant A blog entry based upon The AV Profession podcast with Tim Albright and guest David McNutt from Navigate Management Consulting When we go into an organization to conduct an … Read More

Why SVT Sees 15 Percent Year-Over-Year Growth

Josh Shanahan says growth at SVT is due to, “Symmetry across operations in communications, planning and objectives.” As president of NSCA, one of Josh Shanahan’s primary focuses is on helping other integration firms improve processes and profitability. It’s not surprise, … Read More

Job Costing Critical Piece to Preserving Margins

  Addressing problems quickly can help save projects that might otherwise be doomed. If you’ve been victimized by a profit-sucking job that spiralled out of control before you knew what had happened and had to resort to correcting your procedural … Read More

NSCA Updates Labor Installation Standards

NSCA, the leading not-for-profit association representing the commercial low-voltage electronic systems industry, has released updated Labor Installation Standard guidelines, providing information that systems integrators can use to accurately estimate labor units – the biggest factor impacting project profitability. As the result of … Read More