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Make Your Scope of Work Statements Stand Out

Good Scope of Work Statements Establish Boundaries and Responsibilities A well-defined and communicated scope statement is one of the primary methods of managing a client’s often-changing expectations of what they will ultimately receive from a project. This is developed during … Read More

Don’t Be a Cash-Blind Owner Part 3: Cash Burn Rate

This is the final installment in our blog series about cash flow management, and cash-blind owners. What are cash-blind owners, you wonder? Simply put, they are integration firm owners who are completely oblivious to the monthly cash flow activity of … Read More

Don’t Be a Cash-Blind Owner Part 2 – Sources & Uses of Cash

What makes a financially successful integration business? One with high profits? One with a solid financial plan? Many owners believe that, if profits are solid, then the company is solid. As we revealed in Part 1 of our blog series, Don’t … Read More

5 Revenue Recognition Challenges That Can Be Overcome with Automation

While revenue accounting has always been complex, ASC 606 has introduced new revenue recognition challenges for integrators. Thanks to the recent changes in FASB’s ASC 606 standard, revenue recognition is increasingly top-of-mind for CFOs and Controllers. Over the years, as … Read More

Why Are Standards Important, and How Do We Get Our People to Follow Them?

When we follow standards, it allows us to establish, measure and assure a certain level of quality, and predictability, to our clients and to one another. These days, many people have a hard time understanding why some people don’t seem … Read More

Create Predictable Cash Flow with Monthly Recurring Revenue

How important is cash flow to your integration business? A blog post based upon The AV Profession podcast from AV Nation. Most integrators agree that having a backbone of solid cash flow is the lifeblood of an integration business. There … Read More

Learn How to Use New Tech Tools to Solve Problems More Effectively at NSCA BLC 2020

At NSCA BLC 2020, Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg will talk about using innovation to bring new ideas to life & how to use modern tech to make better decisions.   by D. Craig MacCormack Artificial intelligence, 5G, virtual reality and machine learning … Read More

Announcing The Avalara Integration with Solutions360 ERP Software

Avalara Announces 17 Newly Certified Integrations Into Business Applications January, 23, 2020 SEATTLE–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Avalara, Inc. (NYSE:AVLR) Avalara, a leading provider of cloud-based tax compliance automation for businesses of all sizes, today announced the release of 17 newly certified integrations with … Read More

Best Practices for AV Sales People

I’d like to describe some of the best AV sales people I’ve seen, from some of the best companies I’ve worked with. By Brad Malone, Navigate Management Consulting Most the integration companies I’ve worked with employ a range of sales … Read More

Revenue Recognition Lessons Private Companies Can Learn from Public Companies

The clock is ticking for private companies as they face implementation of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) revenue recognition standard. In this Q&A with FEI Daily, KPMG’s Meredith Canady and Kevin Bogle discuss the stages of implementation, hurdles to implementing … Read More