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Business Process Improvement

Solutions360 Releases New Interactive Dashboards

Interactive dashboards in Q360 allow individuals at different levels of an integration business, to influence change, and make better (more profitable) decisions. Tofiq Indawala, Director of Product Management for Solutions360, recently joined Brad Malone on the Navigator Podcast, to announce

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Make Your Scope of Work Statements Stand Out

Good Scope of Work Statements Establish Boundaries and Responsibilities A well-defined and communicated scope statement is one of the primary methods of managing a client’s often-changing expectations of what they will ultimately receive from a project. This is developed during

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Better Processes Equals Better Projects

When was the last time your integration business focused on process improvement? Process management is an exercise in efficiency – it is all about doing the correct things while minimizing waste. There are a lot of programs out there that address

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Dashboards in Q360 Turn Data into Information

What differentiates integrators that use dashboards in Q360 from those that don’t? Today, Tofiq Indawala, Director of Product Management, is joined by Brad Malone from Navigate Management Consulting to talk about dashboards in Q360. How do Solutions360 customers use dashboards?

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Forecasting for Successful Project Management

How do you manage and forecast resources in you integration business? “One of the biggest problems we see is that integrators aren’t laying out their projects profitably right from the beginning,” says Brad Dempsey, CEO of Solutions360. One of the

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Business Management Software